ما هو معنى كلمة Obvious باللغة العربية، جذر الكلمة، اللواحق، الترجمة، المرادفات، الأضداد، العبارات، الأمثلة؟
🎧 نطق كلمة Obvious
🔈النطق الأمريكي: /ˈɑːbvɪəs/
🔈النطق البريطاني: /ˈɒbvɪəs/
📖Obvious معنى كلمة | Obvious بالعربي | Obvious ترجمه
صفة (adj.):
واضح، ملحوظ
مثال: It was obvious that he was lying. (كان واضحا أنه كذب.)
🌱 Obvious الجذور والبادئات واللواحق العربية
الجذر: مشتق من اللاتينية 'obvius' والذي يعني 'مباشر' أو 'واضح'
💡Obvious الذاكرة الترابطية العربية
فكر في شيء واضح مثل الشمس في يوم صافٍ
📜Obvious المرادفات والمتضادات العربية
✍️Obvious العبارات العربية
- obvious choice (الخيار الواضح)
- obvious mistake (الخطأ الواضح)
📝Obvious أمثلة الجمل العربية
- اسم:
The answer was obvious to everyone. (كانت الإجابة واضحة للجميع.)
📚Obvious القصص العربية
القصة باللغة الإنجليزية:
There was a story about a person who tried to hide a truth from his friends, but it was obvious to them. Eventually, he gave up and admitted to the obvious truth.
القصة باللغة العربية:
كانت هناك قصة عن شخص كان يحاول إخفاء حقيقة من أصدقائه، لكن الأمر كان واضحا بالنسبة لهم. في النهاية، استسلم واعترف بالحقيقة الواضحة.
🖼️Obvious الذاكرة المصورة العربية

🔗Obvious الكلمات المتعلقة بـ
كلمة | معنى الكلمة |
apparent | adj. واضح، واضح إلى حد ما |
evident | adj. واضح، ملموس |
undeniable | adj. لا يمكن نكراره، حقيقي بلا شك |
clear | adj. واضح، سليم v. تطهير، تصفير adv. بوضوح |
definite | adj. محدد بوضوح، دون شك |
📌Obvious العبارات المتعلقة بـ
عبارة | معنى العبارة |
📝Obvious الجمل المتعلقة بـ
الجمل |
I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious. |
He agreed with obvious pleasure. |
It soon became obvious that the machine did not work. |
It's painfully obvious that the budget was low for this movie. |
It's obvious a change is needed. |
It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated. |
The lessons seem fairly obvious to anyone who doesn't work in the Administration. |
It's obvious from what she said that something is wrong. |
For obvious reasons , I'd prefer not to give my name. |
The reasons for this decision were not immediately obvious . |
The solution to weight loss is also blindingly obvious - whatever you eat, eat less. |
It was far from obvious how they were going to get off the island. |
She was the obvious choice for the job. |
There's no obvious solution to the problem. |
This seemed the most obvious thing to do. |
an obvious example/answer/question |
The ending was pretty obvious. |
I may be stating the obvious but without more money the project cannot survive. |
حارس النظام
جودة الترجمة في هذا الموقع أفضل مما توقعت، خاصة بالنسبة للعبارات اليومية، والترجمة تبدو طبيعية جدًا. شكرًا للمطورين!